How Timekeeping Fits Your Business.

1. Experience

Your Workzoom Coach will seek to understand how you do business while demonstrating Workzoom’s functionality and how it can be fit to suit your needs.

  • What does timekeeping mean to your organization and what are the greatest challenges you face?

  • Timesheet generation based on time keeping policy and organization structure

  • Time calculation based on rules such as time of day premiums, overtime, double time, and meal allowance

  • Time approvals to managers/administrators

2. Collaborate

The success of Workzoom depends on you and your team communicating with your Coach! To make the most of Workzoom we will work together to:

  • Understand how time will be captured (clocking, direct entry of time, auto-populate time based on a schedule or set working hours)

  • Define clocking devices and clocking system

  • Determine your organization’s internal timekeeping policy rules for holidays and clocking

  • Establish rules for the handling of clock punches i.e., rounding thresholds, time intervals, what qualifies as in early or late, etc.

  • Define and apply rules for how to account for time consistently and automatically throughout the entire specified period (e.g. overtime rules)

3. Achieve

After fitting Workzoom to you, you will be able to:

  • Capture time through various clocking methods including Android and iOS mobile apps, web app, facial recognition or proximity cards

  • Access real-time time data and leaves on timesheets

  • Choose from multiple time sheet layouts including by time type or project by job or task, etc. with approvals

  • Populate timesheets automatically from clock punches or based on staff schedules and approved leaves

All Timekeeping Features.

All Timekeeping Insight.

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