How Learning Fits Your Business.
1. Experience
Your Workzoom Coach will seek to understand how you do business while demonstrating Workzoom’s functionality and how it can be fit to suit your needs.
What challenges does your organization currently face with learning management?
How do you currently manage training and learning?
Do your employees gain competencies or certifications by completing training courses?
Time approvals to managers/administrators
2. Collaborate
The success of Workzoom depends on you and your team communicating with your Coach! To make the most of Workzoom we will work together to:
Understand who is responsible for creating courses and course content
Create and/or upload your organizations course content, assessments, and evaluations
Clarify how course content is issued (automatically, manually, or both)
Define the approval process for employee course enrolment
Identify skills, competencies, and certifications received upon course completion
Articulate the requirements for course issuance and applicability (i.e., department, job, worker class, etc.)
3. Achieve
After fitting Workzoom to you, you will be able to:
Deliver course/class content and assessments on a single platform
Consolidate learning records and standardize learning processes
Issue course content automatically to appropriate employees and new hires based on role, department, or other applicability
Issue course re-enrolment upon course failure
Manage training and course completion issued on the job, employment, and department level
Document succession and development programs
Track training providers and course costing
Audit completed and expiring certifications for re-enrolment
Maintain succession progress by course completion
Create personalized training and development courses based on role in organization
Plan and track all training activities and streamline course management
All Learning Features.
Automatic assignment of training
Assign training to new hires or existing employees moving into new roles automatically based on the requirements of the job.
Automatic course re-enrollment
Re-enrolled employees in training automatically until they pass the minimum requirements.
Log certifications based on the successful completion of training.
Course catalogue
Provide a course catalogue to employees within their learning dashboard.
Learning assessments
Assess completeness of knowledge upon the completion of courses or course elements.
Multimedia learning content
Upload and distribute courses to employees via video, PDF, Scorm, Articulate Rise or Articulate Story.
Safety education
Deliver safety-related course content through Learning.
Provide general or job specific training to new hires.
Training records
Track a full dated record of all employee training on the employee’s talent profile.
Training requests
Empower employees to find and self enroll in training opportunities through the course catalogue with optional manager required approvals.
All Learning Insight.
Class status
What classes are offered, scheduled and/or completed?
Course catalogue
What courses does the organization offer?
Course enrollment
Who in the organization is taking training?
Course progress
Where are employees in their course learning?
Denied training requests
Who has requested training but was denied?
Employee skills
What talent or specific skills do we have in-house?
Employees with certifications
Which employees have a certification on file?
Enrollment requests
Who has requested to take training? What outstanding requests are there?
Evergreen courses
What courses are always offered?
Expiring certifications
What certifications are due to expire? When/where could we be uncompliant by out of date certifications?
Outstanding/incomplete training
Who has not completed their training?
Training history
What’s the training history of an individual or group?
Training results
Who has passed/failed? What is the overall result/grade?
Book your live demo.
Experience Workzoom live in a one-hour demo! Tell us about your current people management challenges and learn how Workzoom will help you overcome them. Ask any questions you may have and learn all about our no-risk implementation process.