How Organization Fits Your Business.
1. Experience
Your Workzoom Coach will seek to understand how you do business while demonstrating Workzoom’s functionality and how it can be fit to suit your needs.
How would you describe your current organizational structure?
What kinds of employees do you have? How do you currently define them?
2. Collaborate
The success of Workzoom depends on you and your team communicating with your Coach! To make the most of Workzoom we will work together to:
Articulate how your organization is structured – jobs, departments, work locations
Articulate your types of employees – full or part time, permanent, casual, union, etc.
Define your management structure for automated approval workflows
Understand how the organization is structured
Engage in an interactive approach with your Workzoom coach
3. Achieve
After fitting Workzoom to you, you will be able to:
View your organization chart from different perspectives such as people, departments, or position
Search and filter to target and analyze organizational data
Identify unique groups of employees to whom all the same rule and entitlement apply to; helping to automate activities such as pay generation, timekeeping, and performance reviews
Upload data directly into Workzoom using simple templates and import features
Simplify the management hierarchy
Easily view the departments and the jobs, work assignments, groups, and projects associated to them
Maintain your organization (adding new elements, reorganizing, deprecating) and leverage cascading data throughout Workzoom
All Organization Features.
Business plans
Add business plans, identify your mission, key values, vision, SWOT strategies, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Career paths
Define the career path a job leads to and from.
Certification requirements by job
Define what certifications are required for each job.
Competency requirements by job
Default pay scale rate by job
Default pay scale rate by job
Establish a default pay scale rate on a job so new hires start at the correct rate.
Default work hours
Set default working hours per day, per week, per pay, days per week or set to variable hours.
Divisions/department structure
Define department structures and whether the organization is hierarchical or flat.
EEO categorization
Identify each job’s EEO category for legislative reporting.
Job descriptions
Create external and internal job descriptions and use them for postings and clarity with existing personnel.
Job families
Group jobs together as a family and target policies to the family for ease of configuration.
Job work attributes
Define attributes per job such as if timesheets are required, job sharing rules, overtime rules, shift work, weekend work etc.
Labor, union agreements & grievances
Support your organization with consistent documentation, investigation and resolution of employee issues like complaints and grievances. Store union directories and bargaining agreements for easy access.
Management levels
Define management hierarchy levels by assigning each job a management level (Director, Senior Management, Middle Management, Assistant etc.)
Managers by department
Assign managers at the department level.
Managers by job
Define managers at the job level.
Medical records
Track employee medical records for things like allergies, dietary restrictions, etc.
Medical suppliers
Record and maintain suppliers of medical services or equipment.
Multiple businesses
Support one or more businesses as separate entities within a single system to empower global insight and analytics while maintaining appropriate data access privileges.
Organization charts
View real-time and date effective organization charts of departments, positions or people.
Organization goals
Define goals the organization is striving towards that can cascade down to employees during performance reviews.
Organizational structure
Define your organizational structure through business units, departments, work locations & offices, worker classes, and work groups to apply consistent process, policy and rules.
Position control
Manage jobs and positions to apply policies, rules, requirements, funding types, entitlements, position numbers, FTE requirements and limits, etc.
Project tracking
Define projects for employees to track time, objectives and updates against.
Record and track safety incidents and resolution, provide safety related training through Learning, and track safety committee membership.
Safety committee
Add safety committee membership and track who belongs in the committee.
Safety education
Deliver safety-related course content through Learning.
Safety incidents
Record workplace related safety incidents including where, when and what occurred.
Work location managers
Assign managers of a work location.
Work location map
See a map of your work locations and share with the whole team.
Work locations
Establish the policies, processes and implications of your organization’s work locations virtual or real.
Worker classification
Identify employment levels (e.g. full time, part time, casual), pay types (e.g. hourly, salary, piece work, commission), employment terms (e.g. temporary, regular).
Workplace injuries
Track injuries incurred from safety incidents including employee name, nature of injury, witnesses, severity, etc.
All Organization Insight.
Administrator access
Who are the administrators and what do they have access to?
Avoidable incidents
What types of incidents could have been avoided?
Certification requirements by job
What types of incidents could have been avoided?
Competency requirements by job
What competency skill set is required for each job?
Department list
How is our organization broken into departments?
Department managers
Who are the department managers?
Department roll ups
What are the divisions within the organization? What are the parent departments?
Departmental functions
What is the business function of each of the organization’s departments?
Direct vs. indirect charge
How many jobs are a direct charge to the organization? How does that compare to indirect charge?
EEO category breakdown
What jobs are in each EEO category?
FLSA category breakdown
What jobs are in each FLSA category?
FTE rule breakdown
What are the FTE rules for each job? What jobs are defined to exceed the budget or not exceed the budget?
Geo locations
Where do we have work sites? What geographical reach do we have?
What active or inactive grievances have there been?
Head count by worker class
How many employees are in each worker class?
Headcount by department
How many employees are there in each department?
Incident causes
What are the causes of workplace incidents?
Injuries resulting in lost time
What injuries have resulted in lost time?
Job career paths
What paths have been defined? How do jobs lead to other jobs?
Job families
What jobs are defined as a family, and what jobs are within those families?
Job sharing breakdown
What jobs have been identified as allowing Job Sharing?
Job summary
How many employees in each job, what department, work site?
Job/position control
What positions are managed in the organization? Are there position vacancies that need to be filled?
Management level breakdown
What management level has each job been assigned? How many jobs do we have at each level?
Managers of jobs
Who are the managers at a job level?
Organization goal hierarchy
What goals are we working towards and where are they in our cascading goal hierarchy?
Organization goals
What goals is the organization striving towards?
Organization objectives
What objectives have been defined for the organizational goals? How is the organization planning to achieve the goal defined?
Organization progress
What progress has been made on the objectives? How close are we to meeting our organization goals? Are we on track or behind?
Overtime exempt/allowed
Which employees and / or which jobs in the organization are exempt from working overtime?
Pay groups
What is the breakdown between hourly and salary staff? Who is in each group?
Pay scales by job
What pay scales are defined for each job?
Positions by funding type
What funding is used by type for our positions?
Project progress
What progress has been made on the projects? How much time has been spent on the projects?
What projects are employees working on?
Safety committee
Who are members of our safety committee?
Safety incidents summary
What safety incidents have we had by department or work site?
Shift work allowed
Which employees and / or jobs in the organization are allowed to work shift work?
Timesheet required
What jobs have been identified as requiring a timesheet?
Variable hour jobs
Which jobs have been identified as having variable hours?
WCB classes
What WCB class does each job have?
Work site hierarchy
What work site locations roll up to a parent work site?
Work site managers
Who are the managers of work sites?
Work site profiles
What worksites do we have by type?
Worker classifications
What are the types of workers employed in our organization?
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