How Benefits Fits Your Business.

1. Experience

Your Workzoom Coach will seek to understand how you do business while demonstrating Workzoom’s functionality and how it can be fit to suit your needs.

  • What are the greatest challenges you face with benefits administration?

  • How do track enrollment, eligibility, and benefit options?

  • Validate the benefit deductions, taxable benefits, and employer paid premiums in pay processing on pay stubs

2. Collaborate

The success of Workzoom depends on you and your team communicating with your Coach! To make the most of Workzoom we will work together to:

  • Understand your organization’s benefit eligibility and applicability rules

  • Articulate the types of plans offered

  • Understand employee/employer contribution rules

  • Determine the different type of enrollments (open, life events, and ad hoc enrollments)

3. Achieve

After fitting Workzoom to you, you will be able to:

  • Validate and maintain benefit plan members and rates in benefits plan(s)

  • Upload, publish and maintain benefit plan resources

  • Report on view benefit participation details

  • Maintain new hires and update employee benefits in appropriate benefit plan(s)

  • Maintain benefit plans in one central location

  • Employee and employer deductions are calculated and flow to employee pays for processing

All Benefits Features.

All Benefits Insight.

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